
Find your new job and career in Denmark

Djøf has partnered with English Job Denmark, an organization run by internationals for internationals. The outcome is a series of different workshops designed to guide and inspire internationals in their job search and career growth in Denmark.

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Kun for medlemmer af Djøf
0 kr.

2 timer og 30 minutter


Om workshoppen

Djøf has partnered with Leslea Petersen and English Job Denmark, an organization that is run by internationals for internationals. This team of specialists has helped hundreds of professionals develop their career and find employment over the last 5+ years.

Leslea will share how she uncovered the ‘unwritten rules’ and built her network to now help and advice others in how to land their dream role!

How to rebrand & change your career Workshop

This Workshop is designed for internationals to help you with your personal development & use your transferable skills to re-establish your career in a new field.

Leslea will guide you throughout the process of transitioning into a new career/role.

The workshop will be interactive & cover:

  • Identify your Core Values and discover your ‘Why’ and what values will help you distinguish what job and type of organization will be a perfect fit.
  • How to identify your transferable skills.
  • How to rebrand & communicate the change to hiring managers.
  • How to recreate a standout profile that will aid employment & build visibility.
  • CV/LinkedIn & social media – key areas.
  • Highlight your expertise & knowledge – what/when & how often.

We’ll serve some food and drinks along the way.

Hvem møder du?

Leslea Petersen

Director & CEO, English Job Denmark

Praktisk information

Her får du svar om de vigtigste praktiske informationer. Har du andre spørgsmål, så kontakt os endelig.

Hvornår foregår det?
7. maj 2025, 16.30
Hvor foregår det?
Mødelokale Gothersgade
Gothersgade 133
1123 København K.
Hvornår skal jeg senest tilmelde mig?
6. maj 2025, 21.45
Hvem kan jeg kontakte, hvis jeg har spørgsmål?
Lone Grevy
Hvordan håndterer I mine personoplysninger?

Når du tilmelder dig en aktivitet hos Djøf, skal vi bruge nogle oplysninger om dig. Du kan læse i vores privatlivspolitik, hvordan vi håndterer og beskytter dine personoplysninger. 

Få ny viden og inspiration

I Djøfs kalender kan du finde en lang række af faglige og sociale arrangementer, kurser og netværksgrupper, der handler om alt fra personlig udvikling, aktuelle samfundsemner, lovændringer, ledelse, trivsel og meget mere. Skal du med?